Saturday 30 July 2011

First post!

Welcome to my blog!

I've started this blog, primarily, as a place to share interesting links and ideas from my daily interwebs foraging.

During these daily sojourns (when I probably should be working), I often come across game programming related ideas that I think are cool, interesting, or something that I would like to know more about.

A lot of the topics I stumble across are, however, relatively useless when implemented on their own. Recently I've started developing a rudimentary game engine that I can use as my sandbox to implement, test, and get a better understanding of, some of the technologies that I read about. As such, this sandbox won't be anywhere near robust enough to build an actual game on, but I'm hoping it provides me with a decent, well, sandbox.

I'm hoping that posting my work here will provide people the opportunity to give me feedback on areas where I'm going wrong, or where other solutions/approaches exist. The code is up on my bitbucket account for anyone to check out (at their own peril).

So, here goes!